Home > Aquaculture > Pro Biotics > ECO-RON


An active consortium of Beneficial bacterial granules.

ECO-RON is a concentrated probiotic mixture of selective strains of beneficial bacteria,digestive enzymes with pure cocolith.

In the initial stages of culture pond water requires a beneficial corum of beneficial stains to remove organic loads through a systametic way of mineralization and release nutrients into the pond environment. There by stabilizing algal blooms vital for juvenile growth of shrimps.

ECO-RON degrades the organic sludge and improves the quality of water and pond bott

ECO-RON helps to optimize algal bloom through out the culture period.

Improves over all pond environment, colour and survival rate of shrimps, prawns and fishes.

ECO-RON increases DO level which helps in decomposition of the organic material.

With feed ECO-RON increases feeding, appitite and shrimps become more healthy.

For Pond Preparation : 20kg/ ha

During Culture : 7-10kg/ha every week

In feed : 5 gm/kg of feed every week or as advised by aqua consultant.

20 Kg


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